Automation first doesn’t mean automation only. Companies that utilize this approach effectively know that problems are best solved using a hybrid workforce of humans and automation. The fear that automation will replace human workers has created the misconception that live support and artificial intelligence are contradictory and cannot work together in harmony. But nothing could be farther from the truth. For starters, research has shown that automation will result in a mere 16 percent reduction of jobs by 2030 (Forrester Report). On top of that, customer-facing jobs will continue to rely heavily on a level of empathy that AI simply cannot achieve.
Companies are better able to create successful customer experiences when they don’t think about humans and automation as opposing forces. These companies understand that automation can simultaneously provide an improved customer experience and enable human teams to optimize their productivity and creative energies. Repetitive, tedious work can be automated, giving humans back their valuable time. This mindset allows businesses to prioritize human creativity by automating everything that makes sense.
With an automation-first mindset in place, a company works backward from desired outcomes to develop the ultimate hybrid workforce. Repetitive, creativity-sucking tasks can be automated and scaled, freeing up humans to use their creativity and abstract thinking to solve problems, focus on outcomes, and adapt during times of disruption.
From simple task automation to complex workflow orchestration and “push button” end-user services, an automation first strategy provides a significant competitive edge. But this type of cultural transformation can take time to achieve, and getting there is not without its challenges. Here are some tips for successfully transitioning your business to an automation-first strategy.
In 2022, automation is no longer just a tool. It’s the way things are done. To make the most of this opportunity, businesses must adopt the automation-first mindset. This means that an enterprise must start with the question, “What aspects of this operation can we automate?” Only after those tasks have been identified, can the tasks that require human expertise and skills be identified and designated.
It can be tempting to jump in headfirst and automate the biggest, most time-consuming processes. But iterative progress — that begins with the small, individual pieces of a less complex process — paves the way for more complex processes down the road.
Digital transformation of this magnitude can be challenging, and large-scale automation requires a leader who can get the idea started and see it through. An effective automation-first strategy requires someone that can deploy automations successfully and confidently, while ensuring compliance with governance and standards.
Many companies find their leader through an outside consultant or managed service provider, such as Progile Tech. Whether you are looking for a mentoring relationship to ultimately empower your in-house team to work on complex projects, or a long-term managed service provider, Progile Tech can help. Our team provides companies with:
• Unparalleled expertise;
• Additional bandwidth flexibility;
• Delivery accountability;
• Access to productivity around the clock;
• Affordability; and
• Consistent results.
An automation-first mindset allows you to think differently about what is possible. It expands the scope of automation, redefines how solutions are developed, and continuously analyzes and refines the process. But actually getting there can be complicated. At Progile Tech, we can help you define a technology strategy, identify the required tools, and manage organizational and cultural change.
Let the team at Progile Tech usher your business into the automation-first era with skill and ease. With our vast knowledge and experience, we consistently deliver high-quality results quickly. We work diligently to ensure that our work aligns with your vision, and that everything is delivered to you in a consistent manner — consistent cost, output, and results. Contact Progile Tech today to learn more.
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